FPA Member Profile
What came first, sport or photography?
“Photography came first for me. My parents got me my first camera just before we travelled to New York. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to experiment with a camera and get some nice images that I would be able to look back on. It was also around the time I was starting college, where I was studying Photography as one of my A-Levels and I knew it would be the subject I was most interested in and passionate about.”
First match photographed?
“The first match I ever photographed was Salford City v Radcliffe Borough in 2015. I was only 18 at the time and had just started my Photography A-Level. I decided it would be a good idea to try out sport photography as I had just invested in a Sigma 70-200mm for my course and wanted to get some experience with it. That first game I photographed I got a goal celebration printed in the next match day programme and I was over the moon. Ever since then I’ve loved photographing football.”
Favourite ground and why?
“Salford City, I know a lot of people don’t like the club because of how much money is involved, but I’ve worked there for the past five years and have seen it transform from a non-league ground to a League Two stadium. I remember the concrete stand you used to sit in and the little club house attached to it, where you could sit and edit after the game with a pint. Now we have a 5000 seater stadium. Even though it has changed so much over the years, it still feels like home and I don’t think that will ever change.”
Canon, Nikon or Sony?
“Canon. I only switched from Nikon around two years ago, but I will never go back. I love using Canon for sports.”
Favourite match or football related event photographed? “Photographing Salford City winning at Wembley to take us into the Football League. Not many people get the chance to sit pitch side and watch their team gain promotion and photograph it at the same time. I borrowed a Canon 300mm lens from my university at the time to make sure I could get the best photographs possible for the team, as I only had my Canon 70-200 at the time. I was so nervous when I arrived as I knew it was such a big day in the club’s history and didn’t want to let anyone down. It was also the first ever time I had been to Wembley. I think I took well over a thousand photographs that day, I never sat down once because I was so nervous but I was so proud of the images in the end.”
Biggest lesson learnt?
“Talk to other photographers. When I first started out working for Getty Images I was quite shy. I was used to taking on a club photographer role and keeping myself to myself, focusing on getting photographs of every player and keeping myself busy. However, working for an agency is completely different. I’ve learned how important it is to talk to other people and learn from them, most of the time people just want to help you out and it is always beneficial to listen to what other people have to say and the advice that they give you.”
Which photo included in your FPA gallery are you proudest of and why?
“The image I am most proud of is the one I took in the changing room at Wembley after Salford had won promotion. I remember coming out of there absolutely drenched in alcohol, was pretty sure my cameras were broken because they were soaked too. I had no idea if I had even got any decent shots from inside there as I was just firing my camera hoping for the best as it was absolutely crazy in there after the win. I remember opening up my laptop after the game and seeing that image and thinking how the hell have I managed to get that. It’s always been my favourite image because it reminds me of that day.”
Any funny or interesting experiences photographing football at any level?
“I remember a couple of seasons ago at a Salford game, we scored in the last minute and all the players ran over and basically jumped on me. After the game everyone was asking me if I got the celebration and I said how, when I was literally under the huddle?! I still laugh every time I see it back on the match highlights.”
How did you feel just before you photographed your first match professionally?
“I was very nervous when I did my first match for Getty, as it is completely different than shooting for a club. I was scared I was going to send images that weren’t good enough. However, as time goes by you gain more confidence in yourself and now I enjoy every second of it!”

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